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Europe’s leading association of genealogists

Chambre des Généalogistes Professionnels

The Chambre des Généalogistes Professionnels (CGP) was created in January 1997 to bring together family and probate genealogists under one roof.

As a founding member of Généalogistes de France (GF), CGP is committed to professional ethics and the quality of the services provided by its members.

The industry has announced exceptional measures to strengthen its guarantees. Read more here.

Sylvie MAILLET-DEVRIENDT, family genealogist in the PACA region, answers your questions. See her page.


Family genealogists

Family genealogists

Family genealogists carry out genealogical or historical research for private clients. Drawing on a wide range of skills, he is able to work on complete or ad hoc projects.

  • Reconnect with the lives of your ancestors
  • Trace the history of a family or a house
  • Carry out documentary research…

Finding heirs

Estate genealogists

Estate genealogists

The probate genealogist is a professional commissioned by notaries or any other person with a direct interest to act (article 36 of the Law of June 23, 2006) to find heirs or confirm devolutions, when an estate is opened.

  • Finding heirs or co-heirs
  • Recovering a title deed
  • Identifying life insurance beneficiaries…

Our genealogists by region and country


CGP news

Our latest articles

In search of Toussaint LOUVERTURE’s descendants

Toussaint LOUVERTURE (originally Toussaint de Breda when he was a slave) was a Franco-Haitian general and politician. He played a leading historical role during the Haitian Revolution (1791-1802), and became one of the leading figures in the movement to emancipate the colonies from their metropolis.

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Formations généalogistes


A number of university courses and private schools offer training to become an estate or family genealogist.

In the course of searching for heirs, probate genealogists are required to practice law as an accessory to their main activity. For this reason, genealogists were granted approval to practice law on an ancillary basis by two decrees issued by the Minister of Justice on December 19, 2000 and December 1, 2003.

The profession is reserved for holders of a master’s degree in law or ” a post-graduate diploma (DEA or DESS) in private law, or a diploma as a notary’s first clerk “. In the absence of a diploma at least equivalent to a law degree, seven years’ professional experience in family law is required.

Partenaires de la CGP


Genealogists of France

Généalogistes de France is the national organization representing genealogy professionals.

Notaires de France

The directory of French notaries enables you to search for 9,000 notaries and over 4,500 offices.


Heredis is a cooperative that will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2024.

Its comprehensive genealogy software is Windows and Mac compatible.

Assurance-vie et comptes en déshérence

Life insurance and unclaimed accounts

The so-called “Eckert” law of June 13, 2014 makes the search for beneficiaries of dormant bank accounts and escheated life insurance policies more energetic. It obliges banks to search for deceased account holders. They will also be required to publish the number of inactive accounts and the amount outstanding each year.

SEGUR is the largest group of genealogists and detectives serving banks and insurance companies to identify and locate beneficiaries of life insurance policies and heirs to escheated assets.