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Des Racines et des Actes

Murièle Ochoa-Gadaut

29 avenue Marthe

91390 Morsang-sur-Orge

Présentation et compétences

  • family
  • real estate

My fields of study are varied in French and Spanish archives: family trees, ancestry, descent, cadastral, notarial and military research. If required, for foreign clients and research outside France, depending on the context and objectives sought, I combine archival research with the insights of genetic genealogy (DNA).

I’ll organize a turnkey cousinade or genealogical trip to reconnect with your ancestors. You’ll discover who this ancestor was through the key events and places in his life. In addition to collecting dates and names wherever possible, I aim to give substance to your ancestors through anecdotes, slices of life, careers and heritage in the context of the times.

I invite you to contact me to manage a large-scale project, to write a book about the history of your home or your family. I can also take a fresh look at a bottleneck you’ve encountered in your own research. I’ll be happy to offer advice and solutions.

Member n° C 0158

Language skills

  • Fluent English
  • Bilingual Spanish

Search area

  • Paris and surrounding area
  • Lorraine
  • France
  • Spain
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